If you’ve lived in your home for a few years’ worth of seasons and your home insulation is good, then you are well aware of how different the temperature can be when you are inside versus being outside. That’s because your insulation is of good quality—able to keep the heat out in the summer and the cold from entering in the winter. Other homeowners, however, may benefit from new residential insulation installation—especially with the cooler months approaching. Still not sure whether replacing your home insulation is right for you? Let’s take a look at the advantages of having spray foam... View Article
Although the fall season has just begun, there’s no better time than right now to consider the benefits of spray foam insulation installation for your home, or at least schedule a professional inspection of your current insulation materials. After all, insulation is the main barrier keeping the outside elements from entering your home, and you’ve gone through enough winters to know that chilly air is right around the corner. You may be wondering, why get new insulation when winter is still months away? Read on to learn more! Here are six excellent reasons to install spray foam insulation in Petaluma,... View Article
If your attic is uninsulated, you’re simply letting heat and cool air pour out of your house. Attic insulation installation in Petaluma, CA can be a great way to make your home more energy efficient, and once you do it, you’ll notice the results on your energy bill right away. Perhaps you’re asking, though, “What is the most cost- and energy-effective way to insulate an old attic?” Here are some of the best options. Loose-fill spray insulation This is a great option for old attics, which often have irregular joist spacing (as batts are cut to fit regularly spaced joists).... View Article
Good insulation helps keep your house warm when it’s cold outside, and cool when it’s hot outside. For a long time, fiberglass insulation was the go-to choice for home insulation, but with our society’s growing focus on going green, a number of more eco-friendly insulation options have gained in popularity. If you’re in the market for insulation—say you’re building a house or refinishing an attic––and it’s important to you that your insulation be green, here are some of the best options according to your favorite source for insulation installation in Petaluma, CA: Wool insulation: This is an excellent and convenient... View Article
Did you know that your home insulation plays a huge role in your indoor comfort? When the insulation in your walls, attic and crawlspaces is properly installed, it provides protection against outdoor elements throughout the year. Insulation keeps undesired air from getting inside and throwing off your indoor living environment. It’s important to replace it when it becomes inefficient. Unfortunately, the problem most homeowners run into is not knowing when their home insulation needs to be replaced. The best thing to do, if this is the case, is consult a professional for an inspection to assess the condition of the... View Article