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The Differences Between Spray Foam Insulation and Traditional Insulation Installation in Northern California

June 11, 2019

You probably know you have several building insulation material options to choose from. But which one is best for your home or commercial building? After all, there are many significant benefits to some of the available options, while others can leave you wishing for more. Here’s a look at some of the key differences between spray foam insulation and other forms of traditional insulation installation in Northern California. The main difference Spray foam insulation differs from more traditional types, like fiberglass and cellulose, in that it’s an air barrier and thermal barrier all rolled into one. Traditional forms of insulation... View Article

How Spray Foam Insulation in Northern California Keeps Your Home Cool in the Summer

May 28, 2019

Keeping cool in Northern California’s sweltering summer months is more of a science than anything else. We know when to run the AC, when to go for a swim and when to re-evaluate our homes’ insulation. Keeping cool in these parts takes more than a well-maintained air conditioning unit—it also means having the right insulation within the walls of your home to preserve that precious cool air while keeping the heat at bay. With summers seeming to be getting hotter every year, isn’t it time you made sure your insulation is pulling its weight? If you are wondering how spray... View Article

DIY Tips for Insulating Your Home

May 6, 2019

If you have a home that isn’t well insulated, you can expect to have to pay more money on your monthly energy bills. This happens not only because a poorly insulated home forces the furnace and air conditioning to run more frequently, but also because it could necessitate the use of additional space heaters or window air conditioners if the interior temperature isn’t regulated well enough. Upgrading your insulation is a project that provides a great return on investment. While it’s always best to consult and work with a professional to install insulation in northern California, there are some DIY... View Article

Why You Should Check Your Home’s Insulation This Spring

April 22, 2019

Springtime is here, and summer is just around the corner. You may be considering taking on a remodeling or renovation project in your home this year, and if so, you may consider performing an energy audit on your home. This type of inspection is used to determine how much energy your home uses, and what the most effective methods are to make your home more energy efficient. What you’ll frequently find is that by replacing the insulation in certain parts of your home, you’ll be able to cut down on quite a bit of your energy usage. While upgrades to... View Article

How Good Attic Insulation in Northern California Can Help During Warmer Weather

April 11, 2019

When you consider investing in new insulation or repairing your existing insulation, you might be thinking mostly about how proper insulation can improve temperature regulation in your home during the winter, but insulation is also beneficial during the summer. Now that it’s officially spring, and summer is on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to consider investing in attic insulation in Northern California. Read on to find out more about how attic insulation in Northern California can help you stay comfortable during the summer months. What does attic insulation do? Attic insulation is designed to prevent thermal heat transfer. During... View Article

Ace Insulation Inc.