March 17, 2022 12:00 am
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Appropriately insulating is among the most vital things that a homeowner can do to enhance the general energy efficiency of his or her home. The United States Department of Energy approximates that homeowners’ energy usage for artificially cooling and heating their homes accounts for around 50% of total energy use. Investing in more efficient heating and cooling technologies is one way to minimize your cooling and heating bills. Nonetheless, insufficient insulation in your roof, foundation, or walls will raise your energy usage, the type of heating and cooling notwithstanding. Most homes across the country use mats or batts of soft... View Article
September 5, 2018 2:29 pm
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Spray foam insulation was developed in the 20th century to insulate buildings. It’s composed of polyurethane and isocyanate, which chemically react with each other when combined. The reaction causes the material combination to expand and harden when it is applied to surfaces. Spray foam insulation in Petaluma, CA is applied with a specialized tool that can shoot out both composites at the same time so that they combine on the targeted surface. There are many benefits to this kind of home insulation, and it’s worth considering whether it’s right for your home: Energy efficient: The more effective your insulation is,... View Article
August 23, 2018 2:27 pm
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When you’re building a new home, you want to make sure that you choose all of the best materials, including home insulation in Petaluma, CA. The insulation in your home keeps you and your family comfortable and can make a huge difference when it comes to energy efficiency, but it can be difficult to decide which kind of insulation is right for you. Doing a little bit of research about the different kinds of insulation you can choose from will give you the ability to make the right choice for your new home: Blanket insulation: Blanket insulation is the most... View Article
August 6, 2018 9:47 pm
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As a homeowner, you are all too familiar with the never-ending list of home projects and repairs that will all need your attention at some point. But deciding which of these are okay to do yourself and which ones are best left to the professionals is not always easy. For instance, home insulation installation looks like a simple process from the outside. However, it’s not a DIY project for many homeowners. You might be considering hiring a skilled contractor to save you time and money, but what else can they do for you and your home? Here are some of... View Article
July 23, 2018 9:47 pm
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Insulation plays a key role in your home’s indoor comfort, but when should you add new insulation? Let’s take a look at a few important things to consider when planning home insulation installation in Petaluma, CA. Consider the time of year What time of year is the best time to install insulation? Right off the bat, you should know that the answer will vary depending on where you live in the United States. Living in a warmer climate means that before the summer months arrive is the most ideal time to increase insulation or install new insulation material. Meanwhile, for... View Article