Vapor barriers are a type of plastic film designed to be impermeable so as to prevent moisture from seeping through. They’re frequently used as part of a building envelope in walls and ceilings, and can also be used underneath certain flooring installations. One of the most common questions Northern California residents have when remodeling a room or finishing off a basement concerns in which situations vapor barriers are needed after putting in the insulation. Not every wall requires a vapor barrier—keep in mind that it’s used to prevent water vapor from getting in through the protected surface. To determine whether... View Article
When you take the plunge and purchase your own home, you will quickly discover that, as rewarding as homeownership is, there are numerous threats that will do their best to undermine your investment. Pests try to crawl in through the attic. Appliances break down. Plumbing malfunctions. One issue that you may not be aware of, however, is the threat that moisture can pose to your home. While you’re worrying about other problems, moisture invades your home and causes a massive number of issues. Fortunately, there is a solution: moisture barriers. The practical benefits and uses for moisture barriers in Northern... View Article
Fall has arrived, which means the weather is going to be getting progressively cooler over the next couple months, bringing with it more wind and rain. If you want to make sure you’re able to stay comfortable throughout the changing of the seasons, especially once winter arrives, then you should consider making some upgrades to the insulation in your home as needed. If you intend to upgrade your home’s insulation, then you can do no better than spray foam insulation. This is the best solution on the market to stop drafts and to create a more effective seal, keeping your... View Article
We’ve officially reached fall, which means winter is going to be here before you know it. While we might not see quite as severe of weather in the wintertime as they do in the mountains or in the Midwest, cold weather will still definitely be hitting sooner or later, and it’s important to make sure your home is prepared to handle it. One of the best things you can do to your home to help you stay comfortable year-round is to ensure you have high-quality insulation lining all of your exterior walls and rafters. If you notice your energy bills... View Article
When you’re building a new home, you want to make sure that you choose all of the best materials, including home insulation in Petaluma, CA. The insulation in your home keeps you and your family comfortable and can make a huge difference when it comes to energy efficiency, but it can be difficult to decide which kind of insulation is right for you. Doing a little bit of research about the different kinds of insulation you can choose from will give you the ability to make the right choice for your new home: Blanket insulation: Blanket insulation is the most... View Article