April 6, 2020 8:55 pm
Published by Writer
It’s in millions of homes across the United States, in between the walls and filling the free space in our attics. It’s insulation, and in a lot of cases, it’s made from fiberglass. But what exactly is fiberglass insulation in Northern California, and why is it so common? What is fiberglass? Just as the name would suggest, fiberglass insulation in Northern California is made from glass. Of course, that glass has been minced, crunched, cracked and shredded until it’s in microscopic shards. At least, that was the traditional makeup of fiberglass. These days, fiberglass also includes minute particles of plastic,... View Article
March 23, 2020 8:55 pm
Published by Writer
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who has an attic, the odds are good that you probably don’t give it much thought. That goes double for those homeowners who don’t store anything in their attic space. If you have a partially-finished attic that you’re not using, you could be leaving your house exposed to pests and losing money every month. Are you at risk? It could be time to consider an investment in loose-fill insulation in Northern California. Why does my attic need insulation? Insulation serves a vital purpose in every home in America. As your HVAC system... View Article
March 12, 2020 3:55 am
Published by Writer
Your home’s insulation is essential when it comes to promoting energy efficiency in your house and keeping you and your family comfortable. Unfortunately, there are lots of common weak spots in home insulation that many homeowners aren’t even aware of. You might not know it, but your attic is one of the places in your home that is most likely to let drafts in during the winter and increase temperatures in your home during the summer. This spring, it may be smart to think about the benefits of attic insulation installation in Northern California for your home. Reasons to invest... View Article
February 27, 2020 3:55 am
Published by Writer
Spring is regarded as a season of new beginnings, and it’s the perfect time to invest in some new changes to your home. Remodeling and renovation projects can improve your home’s value, curb appeal, comfort and efficiency. One of the most beneficial springtime projects is insulation installation in Northern California. There are lots of reasons why it’s worth it to invest in insulation installation for your home this spring. Read on to learn more! Why invest in insulation? There are lots of reasons why homeowners should consider investing in new insulation. For starters, insulation is essential when it comes to... View Article
February 8, 2020 12:22 am
Published by Writer
You want your home to stay cool, but what if your insulation is a fire hazard? Most of us don’t consider that the very stuff that’s supposed to protect our home from the elements could actually contribute to its destruction—but it’s true. Certain types of old or improperly installed insulation can present a very real danger to your home and its residents. Some insulation materials can contribute to the spread of a fire, while others will release toxic gases inside your home. It’s important to ensure that your insulation has been properly installed and is safe for your home—especially because... View Article